Wednesday, 15 November 2017

Hardwork is life

During the exile, Shriram was sitting in the cottage that he had a desire to meet Shabari. Considering the mind, he approached the Shabari and saw that the flowers were blossomed around there, whose fragrance was burning all the forests. Every flower had a lot of fragrance. Sriram asked curiously the reason for the blossoming of flowers, he said, "God, there is an incident behind it." It was here long before the Ashram of Mathang Rishi. There were many sages and students living here.

Once during the Chaturmas, the fuel was going to end in the ashram. There was a need to bring dry timber before the rain. Sluggish students were not going to take wood in the forest. Seeing the students' indifference, the elderly Matanga Rishi kept an ax on his shoulder and walked towards the jungle to cut wood. If the master was seen going, the students followed them. Matang Rishi cut dry woods and tied them and put them on their shoulders, all the people started returning to the ashram. Matang Rishi was walking ahead and the students were following them.

Suddenly a student noticed that the drowsiness of sweat from the old teacher's body was dripping. But it was surprising that wherever drunk drops of teacher and disciples fell, beautiful flowers blossomed there. The same flower growing-growing has spread all over the forest today. It is the effect of the labor that they do not wither and are spreading their sweet fragrances around and around. When Lord Shriram heard this, he was surprised and said, "This is the excitement of labor, the smell of simplicity is the excitement of renunciation." These flowers are flowers of sweat. ' The glory of his life, which is based on labor and sanctity, remains forever for centuries.
Aacharya Braham dev ved alankar
Purohit aryasamaj delhi

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