Vedas are the true source of Knowledge nad it is proven by swami dayanand saraswati.You can visit our you tube link for videos on ved pravachan .Ved pravachan give you a sense of relief and happiness in your life.You can learn how to win in life.
This is a video of ved gyan katha in shadra new delhi india.The ved pravachan is organised every week in one of the locality of delhi NCr such as anand vihar,shahdra,preet vihar,laxmi nagar,sahibabad,Rajender Nagar,Vivek vihar,Dilshad Garden,Ashok nagar,Vasant vihar,Greeen park,azad pur,harit vihar,hauz khas,jor bagh,saket,malviya nagar,ramprastha etc.
SomeTimes People complaint that vedas are in sanskrit and we could not understand this language so,how can we get this knowledge.I replied "Vedas are available in hindi explaination not only by swami Dayanand Saraswati but also by our other teachers also" .Then they Replied yes it is fine but we dont have time to read nad understand those complex things.Friends,I am uploading my videos of vedas pravachan in hindi and you can undestand each and every concept very easily. Vedas Pravachan
visit or Click Here
in this part of geeta pravachan,krishna answers about the mind of the people.We think on the issues which are totally irrelevent to our context..In geeta pravachan held in delhi aacharya brahm dev ji explains the words of shri krishna to arjun who was very confused about the deision to fought war.Geeta pravachan held in delhi near to gurgaon shows the best of geeta,shrmadbhagwadgeeta, and helps us to understand life.
You can also contact for geeta pravachan in delhi,gurgaon,ghaziabad,noida,indirapuram. Geeta pravacahn in noida geeta pravachan in vaishali-vasundhra geeta pravachan and prachar at anand vihar,vivek vihar, geeta pravachan and prachar at swasthya vihar,preet vihar. Geeta pravachan in laxmi nagar,green park area Just contact aacharya ji for geeta,ved upnishad pravachan in shalimar bagh,model town in delhi ncr
Now you can watch vedic grih pravesh vidhi online...Grih pravesh vidhi includes recitation of vedic mantras and take around 1 hour to complete...
Griha (Greh) Pravesh ceremony
is performed on the day when you start living into
your new house. This is a very important occasion
for any family. To start living, the entry into the
new house on this auspicious day is termed as the Griha Pravesh ritual. It is believed that the new
acquisition is susceptible to evil forces and
jealousy and therefore various 'safeguard'
ceremonies must be performed. This ceremony aims to
appease the gods and planets so that the owner of
the house is blessed with good fortune.
In the day
of the ceremony, house is cleaned and decorated with
a garland of mango leaves, hung across the main
doorway as a protective barrier against evil. Poles
are erected outside the house around which banana
leaves are wound and tied. Both the mango and the
banana tree are considered auspicious, since they
are symbols of fertility and prosperity. Aacharya Brahm Dev Vedalankar (09350894633)
You can organise grih pravesh yagya at gurgaon,delhi,arya samaj hawan in gurgaon,arya samaj mandir hawan in indirapuram,arya samaj yagya in vaishali,arya samaj grih pravesh vidhi in gurgaon
Arya SamAJ believes in performing yagya and giving thanks to god for giving us so many things and a wonderful life.Arya samaj yagya,hawan is shown in the above videos for those who want to know how arya samaj organise yagay,how there rituals nad pooja is different from arya samaj
visit the pravachan link for arya samaj mandir yagya,videos.
A video ,a pravachan that takes you out of the dipression in life.In life,there comes moments when we are not able to get success in smalll issues,this pravahcan is for those...
AacharYA Brahm Dev Vedalankar
ईश्वर तुम्ही दया करो ,तुम बिन हमारा कौन है , दुर्बलता दीनता हरो,तुम बिन हमारा कौन है || माता तुम्ही तुम्ही पिता,बन्धु तुम्ही तुम्ही सखा तुम ही हमारा आसरा ,तुम बिन हमारा कौन है || जग को बनाने वाला तू,दुखड़े मिटाने वाला तू बिगड़ी बनाने वाला तू ,तुम बिन हमारा कौन है || तेरी दया के सामने कुछ भी नहीं हमे खबर जाये तो जाये हम किधर तुम बिन हमारा कौन है || तेरा भजन तू ही सजन तेरी ही धुन तेरी लगन तेरी शरण केवल सखा तुम बिन हमारा कौन है || तेरा ही धरते ध्यान हम तुझसे ही पाते प्राण हम हर लो तिमिर अज्ञान का तुम बिन हमारा कौन है ||
हम भगवन को गुरु मानते है या उसे नौकर मानते है ???क्या हमे श्री राम की
पूजा करनी चाहिए ,क्या हम उनकी पूजा करने के हकदार है ??? visit vyakhya of satyarth prakash
"The Bhagavad-Gita is a true scripture of the human race a living creation
rather than a book, with a new message for every age and a new meaning for every
civilization." ~ Rishi Aurobindo In this video You can get answers of the following: Why Arjun Fought War? What is the Meaning of Geeat? Implications of geeta in mahabharat? Geeta pravahcan influence in our life What we can learn from geeta pravachan?? just visit if above link is not working ...
Geeta pravachan pratham adhyay,geeta pravachan by pandit brahmdev,geeta pravachan by brahmdev,geeta pravachan by bhram dev,ved pravachan by brahmdev,pandit in delhi,arya samaj mandir pandit brahm dev vedalankar,geeta pravachan part 1 by aacharya brahmdev vedalankar If you feel dipressed in life then watch this video.a
highly dipressed person like arjun got changed with the pravachan of
shri krishna . geeta pravachan is a nice to
learn .It is not the face that you only listen to geeta pravachan but it
is about how you analyse geeta. Real name
of geeta is shrimadbhagwadGeeta and its meaning is the song sung by
bhagwan (god).Geeta pravachan of aacharya ji gives a new life to a
dipressed person. If you are dipressed then just watch and listen to this Geeta pravachan you will find yourself very happy.... Aacharya Brahm Dev Vedalankar (09350894633)
गीता सार:गीता एक अमूल्य ग्रन्थ है ,जिसके श्रेय श्री कृष्ण ने भी वेद को ही दिया...गीता के द्वारा व्यक्ति एक नए आत्मबल को प्रदान करता है...जब अर्जुन अपने सगे संबंधियों को देख कर पूर्ण रूप से समाप्त हो गया था,मोह में फस गया था और हथियार डाल रहा था,तब श्री कृष्ण ने यह ज्ञान दिया...आईये देखे क्या है इस अमूल्य ग्रन्थ के पहले अध्याय में.....visit for complete pravchan . If you feel dipressed in life then watch this video.a highly dipressed person like arjun got changed with the pravachan of shri krishna . geeta pravachan is a nice to learn .It is not the face that you only listen to geeta pravachan but it is about how you analyse geeta. Real name of geeta is shrimadbhagwadGeeta and its meaning is the song sung by bhagwan (god).Geeta pravachan of aacharya ji gives a new life to a dipressed person. If you are dipressed then just watch and listen to this Geeta pravachan you will find yourself very happy.... Aacharya Brahm Dev Vedalankar (09350894633)
मै कल इस कविता को पढ़ रहा था,आपसे भी इसको share कर रहा हू.... हरिवंशराय बच्चन जी ने बहुत ही अच्छी और प्रेरणादायक कविता लिखी है ,हम सभी इससे सीख लें.....
लहरों से डर कर नौका पार नहीं होती,
कोशिश करने वालों की कभी हार नहीं होती। नन्हीं चींटी जब दाना लेकर चलती है,
चढ़ती दीवारों पर, सौ बार फिसलती है।
मन का विश्वास रगों में साहस भरता है,
चढ़कर गिरना, गिरकर चढ़ना न अखरता है।
आख़िर उसकी मेहनत बेकार नहीं होती,
कोशिश करने वालों की कभी हार नहीं होती।
डुबकियां सिंधु में गोताखोर लगाता है,
जा जा कर खाली हाथ लौटकर आता है।
मिलते नहीं सहज ही मोती गहरे पानी में,
बढ़ता दुगना उत्साह इसी हैरानी में।
मुट्ठी उसकी खाली हर बार नहीं होती,
कोशिश करने वालों की कभी हार नहीं होती। असफलता एक चुनौती है, इसे स्वीकार करो,
क्या कमी रह गई, देखो और सुधार करो।
जब तक न सफल हो, नींद चैन को त्यागो तुम,
संघर्ष का मैदान छोड़ कर मत भागो तुम।
कुछ किये बिना ही जय जय कार नहीं होती,
कोशिश करने वालों की कभी हार नहीं होती। -हरिवंशराय बच्चन